Friday 5 February 2016

The Final Blog Post!

It has been a long journey, but we did it! No more blogging! I'm gonna miss my group, as I had a great time with them. We had a few stressful moment, and times when we wanted to throw each other out of the window but we made it to the end. Now, lets hope we get the best marks possible!
                                                                             GOOOOOOOOD BYEEEEEE!!!


I have loved  producing a title sequence and feel that it has helped me create a bond with people that i would most  likly not have spoken to. I am grateful for that.  it have been an amazing experience with people that i will be happy to call family. Anyway  i need to catch up on the sleep this course has deprived me from . so i bid you goodbye.

until next year...well.. september.

Signing off

see ya!!!!
outta here


I am so relieved that it is over.. I want to say that I am extremely proud to be working with my group. Ive made friendships along the way, we had good moments and stressful times but overall it was a jolly good experience.