Tuesday 17 November 2015

Pitch Task 12- Andrei

                                    Risk Assessment

As we are going to be filming in different locations, we have come up with a few risks we may face while filming, as well as how to prevent those risks and how to deal with them if they ever happens. We, also ranked the risks based on their severity on a scale from 1 to 5, 'five' being very severe and 'one' not being very severe. Therefore, when we will be going out to film, we will be well prepared and more able to deal with the risks if we ever face any.

Emergency Action
Food and Drink
There could be a risk of spilling liquid onto electrical equipment which could damage the equipment, as well as causing a risk of electrocution.
To prevent this from happening food and drinks should be kept away from any electrical equipment, as well as, keeping all equipment safe in their bags.
Clear up any spilt liquid as soon as possible and report any incidents to the teacher.

In case of a fire, students may be trapped and suffer severe injuries.
Precautions may involve making sure that you are familiar with any fire exits in the building you will be filming.
In case of a fire, call 999 immediately and evacuate the building. Report injuries or any other incidents to the teacher.
Public Transport
On the bus or any other public transport vehicles, the equipment may get damaged or even damage members of the public.
To prevent this from happening, take care while handling portable equipment and keep it secure in its bag and only take it out only when it’s needed.
Report any damage to the equipment to the teacher and call 999  if anyone gets seriously harmed.
In case of rain or severe weather conditions, equipment could be damaged, as well, as cause serious harm to people on the scene.
Bring large umbrellas to prevent the equipment from getting wet and wear water- proof clothing so you don’t get wet.
Don’t use equipment If it is wet to prevent electrocution and report any incidents to the teacher immediately.
Due to the fact that students will be in possession of expensive equipment, there is always a possibility that thieves will target them
To reduce chances of this happening, students should try making the equipment as less visible as possible to lessen the chances of criminals seeing the equipment.
Hesitate provoking criminals in any way and call 999
straight after the incident has taken place. Also, contact your teacher to let them know of the event.  
Equipment can always be misplaced or even damaged severely which means that less time will be available for filming and more time will be wasted on trying to locate the item.
Care should be taken as to where equipment is placed during the journey to the filming location.
If equipment is ever lost, try contact the travelling company such as ‘Arriva’ to report the lost item and leave a contact number in case they find the item.

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