Tuesday 10 November 2015

What title sequence is it? -Devon Smith

What type do you intend to use?

The group and I believe that the best title sequences make you ask the question " why did that happen?" , " who is that?" " what's gonna happen next ?!". Without these questions popping in the audiences head they will not be completely invested in the film from the outset and throughout. This is why we will use a mix of types of title sequences because we feel it will assist us In fully suspending the belief of the audience. Discrete and Stylised. 

What real title sequences have influenced you ? 

It wasn't easy to decide on a type of title sequence, that was until we  acknowledged the fact we did a somewhat great job remaking " SE7EN" and so sticked to what we believe we are good at. However, we felt that the award winning title sequence of "SE7EN" was missing somthing... Somthing that will attract more attention at the start the clip. A clip hanger of some sorts. stylised title sequence came to our minds after watching John wick. 

Do you intend to stick with the conventions of a thriller title sequence?

The answer to that is yes and no. Without giving much away , we will stick to some aspects of a thriller title sequence to assist the audience in understanding the plot of the film but will definitely not do the convention of a protraying the main character as a ordinary man who is forced to go on a journey by an antagonist.

 We wish to challenge Kyle Cooper for the title of revolutionising the title sequence industry.

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