Friday 6 November 2015

Potential background soundtrack for title sequence- Devon Smith

I created a background soundtrack that could potentially be in the title sequence. I strongly believe that the lyrics used (chorus from song "when I see you again”) links incredibly well with the plot of the film. As you have read the recent blog post you understand that the main character has fled from an organization of murderers. The lyrics used makes you assume that the person talking is talking to the main character (the person that ran away). The original song is too sad and cheerful to be compatible to the plot of the film so I created my own version. The repetition of the sentences allow the listener to see the buildup of anger, frustration and the feeling of betrayal  from the organization leader because of the main character's unauthorized absence. As well as it being clear to you that the leader of the organization is not someone you want to mess with or meet down a dark alleyway it is clear that she will not stop until she sees the main character again. Enjoy and prepare to be slightly freaked out. 

This is of course is a rough copy. 

I suggest that you listen to it with earphones as it sounds 10x better.

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