Wednesday 6 January 2016

Blog feedback and Target Setting

I received feedback on my blog by my teacher. i completely agree on what weaknesses are and how i can improve to make my blog an A grade. i am extremely passionate about making my blog the highest level it can possible be ( level 20) so i will take all the helpful suggestions to do so.

The weakness that i have are that some blog posts are missing so to prevent this from being a habit i will make sure that i create a checklist of every blog that i have done and will do so i don't accidentally miss any.

another was that my blogging wasn't as strong as it was when i was researching and planning. This was because i was prioritising planning the product and wasn't thinking about blogging. not that it is an excuse.

The other weakness is that it is not chronological so i will find time to arrange them to their correct place.

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