Wednesday 7 October 2015

About genre

                           Information about film genre

From sub-genre to  hybrid genre, genre can be categorized in many different ways. Genre is the type of a movie and it helps categories different movies based on their content, plot, motifs as well as other factors. From action to horror, different genres have their unique codes and conventions which are recognizable and unique to a certain genre type. Action movies have many different codes and convention, cars for example, action movies such as the 'Fast and Furious' are well known for containing numerous racing cars.

Similarly, there are also 'genre tropes' which are elements expected in a specific genre. An example action for action movies could be; the 'good guy' fighting the 'bad guy' as this story-line is synonyms to action movies as it's what most action movies contain. 

Genre is also used to attract a specific target audience as people have different tastes and what may appeal to one group of people may not appeal to another and by looking at the genre of a movie, it establishes its content and what to expect from it.

Furthermore, there are also movies which cross between two or more genres, these are called 'hybrid genres'. For example the movie 'Scream' is a hybrid genre film as it is a 'Horror, Comedy', meaning that it contains codes and conventions of both genres, Comedy and Horror. This is extremely useful for film producers as it enhances and stimulates their creativity by allowing them to combine codes and conventions of more than one movie genre to improve the quality of their movie, as well as making their movie appeal to a larger target audience and making it more successful as a whole. 

One genre I enjoy watching is action. This is due to the fact that there are always missions to be completed in action movies and the thrilling experience of watching the struggle the protagonists go through to defeat the antagonists is incredible. Action movies also contain many outbreaks, whether it's shattering windows or kicked-down doors, the sensation you get when you live vicariously through the characters is amazing. Lastly, action movies such as 'Fast and Furious 7' also contain extremely emotional endings, such as the death of a loved one. These type of endings allow you to feel the protagonist's pain and makes you, truly feel part of the movie.

Image result for trading placesAnother genre I appreciate is 'Comedy'. Comedy films are often filmed in a setting where social events usually take place, such as a canteen or pub as these settings create a feel of realism and suspends the viewer's disbelief. This is also supported by the camera work which is naturalistic and it creates a sense of equality between characters and realism. Sound is another important aspect of comedy movies, diegetic sound such as conversations needs to  be clear, making sure the viewer understands the jokes and is able to laugh at them. Non-diegetic sound is also extremely important as it is usually a tool that, if used properly by film-makers, could place emphasis on certain scenes. Overall, I enjoy comedy films such as 'Trading Places', starring Eddie Murphy because I find it fascinating how film producers can create an enjoyable story, but make it funny, amusing the target audience and leaving them desiring more humor.

Lastly, I also enjoy 'Drama' movies like 'Titanic' as they tend to contain realistic story-lines and in-depth character development which really helps the target audience bond with the main characters. Dramatic films also have intense social interaction and emotional scenes which tend to affect the viewer emotionally while keeping them on the edge of their seats, This is done through the inclusion of climaxes and anti-climaxes to maintain tension throughout the movie and through story-lines to which the viewer can relate to, making it easier for the target audience to become emotionally invested in the film. To conclude, what I really enjoy about dramatic movies is that, although they do not always end happily like action and comedic movies tend to, they still have a form of realization for the protagonist which would still satisfy the target audience and make them feel fulfilled after watching a dramatic movie,

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