Friday 9 October 2015

Target market homework

Target market homework

choosing a target audience is one of the most important decisions that need to be done before planning a film because this will allow you to follow the assumptions the specific audience has towards the film. 

The first movie i researched was the imitation game:
 This movie is said to have a target market of middle class males of the age 55+. the top three regions where this movie will be liked the most will be : The city, north east and the south coast of the united kingdom.

there profession was said to most likely be advertising/ marketing, military and defence and in the entertainment industry. this allow the researchers to come up this statistics that say that the consumer of this film will most likely have £1000+ spare money monthly.

The lifestyles of the target market is somewhat middle class/ upper class with interest consisting of:

The second movie i researched was now you see me:

the demographic of this movie is males between the age of 18-24 living in the regions of the midlands, north east and central Scotland. it is said that the people in this specific market have professions in telecommunications, civil society and architecture having less than £125 at the end of the month to spare.

The life style of the target market is: 

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