Friday 2 October 2015

Evaluation of my prelim by Ceanne



In my prelim video, we successfully included two actors that both had dialogues and had our prop

(the tennis racket) included in our video. We also managed to include the soundtrack from the

apprentice theme tune into our video to create that same tense atmosphere of waiting in a room.

What I loved about my video was that there was different angles we recorded for example over the

shoulder, the wide shot and the close up to have a more dynamic atmosphere. Lastly, we managed

to stick to the 180 degree rule.

We had a clear plan of the story we wanted to film so when it came down to acting, we felt

comfortable and were able to film without making any last minute changes. The editing was also

successful as we were able to insert each clip without any problems and used the razor tool when

necessary  to remove any unwanted scenes.


However in our prelim, occasionally there was scenes where you can see the reflection of the

camera recording.


What would have been even better if we lowered the background music , and raised the voices abit

more so the music does not dominate the dialogues.

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