Saturday 3 October 2015

The purpose of a tittle sequence and film opening

     The purpose of a tittle sequence and film opening

Tittle sequences and film openings are crucial when making a movie. This is because it introduces the movie to the audience for the first time, therefore it helps the audience form a first impression of the film. They tend to start with an ident  of the production company and then a shot of the location/setting. The title sequence and film opening usually introduce the protagonists and antagonists as well as crediting the cast and film producers. Film openings familiarise the audience with the genre of the film and intend to intrigue the audience by suspending their disbelief. This is usually done through narration and layered sound/ music to support the clips in the sequence. Overall, tittle sequences and film openings are meant to give the audience a taste of what the movie is about and a brief summarisation of the plot.

An example of a tittle sequence (Skyfall):

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