Tuesday 6 October 2015

What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper?

According to Kyle Cooper, the main points he has stated about a good title sequence is that it
  • Flows into the movie.
  • Gets the audience excited.
  • Sets a certain tone that should relate to the movie.
He also briefly stated the importance of font in a film sequence such as it should be made to an appropriate size for the audience to see and read from.

Kyle Cooper also mentioned some of the title sequences that he's liked such as Deadzone and To kill a Mocking Bird.

The reasons he has liked Deadzone is that:
  • The music creates a mysterious atmosphere.
  • Its simplicity is effective.
Also the reasons he likes To kill a mocking bird is that:
  • It encapsulates the main character
  • The photography and background is effective.
  • good uses on integration with the images.

Finally, Kyle Cooper thinks titles are important to a film because it gets the audience ready for the film which is crucial as all film makers want to create suspense on the audience so they are eager to watch the film..

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