Friday 30 October 2015

Blogging Health Check 1

                                Blogging Health Check 1

The mark I obtained on the first blogging health check of the year is 15 out of 20, which converts in to a grade B. I am delighted with such grade as it's only the beginning of the year and this is an indication that if I continue with the frequency and quality of my blog posts, I should do quite well in terms of this unit. During the 'one to one' session with my teacher, I've been told to post blogs even more frequently and manage my time in a way that I make sure to post at least 3 to 4 blogs a week in order to stay on track and not fall behind which I will do from now on. Moreover, I've also been told to continue posting blogs, containing such detail as it's one of my strengths and will help me attain higher marks. Overall, I am enthusiastic with my progress and I will make  sure to follow my teacher's targets.

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