Friday 9 October 2015

Audience profiles for films

Target Audience

A target audience is done before producing the film where the segment of people that the product is aimed act is based on the genres codes and conventions. Below are three films that I have researched relating to the target audence.

Maze Runner

My first research I have done is the action movie Maze Runner. The target audience that usually likes the film Maze Runner is males aged between 40-54 that lives in the South Coast, Midlands and East Anglia. They enjoy swimming, tennis and going to the cinema. The brands that they consume are Waitrose, Next and Marks and Spencers. The type of social class that usually watches this is Middle/working class who are mostly left wing. The professions include Finance, Construction and Architecture.

Forest Gump

My second research was Forest Gump. This movie attracts middle class women aged between 40-54, mainly right wing. Their general interests are movies, people and celebrities and uk news. Their personality includes funny, gentle and firm-minded but occasionally lazy. The audiences likely professions include Engineering, Hospitality and travel and lastly, telecommunications. Top regions that like Forest Gump is London, Yorkshire and Wales and Avon. Their hobbies include scrabble, pub quizzes
and going to pubs and night clubs, The clothing brands
they usually buy are banana republic, Dorothy Perkins
and Jane Norman.

Mean Girls

Lastly, teen comedy film Mean Girls attracts young women aged between 18-24 and has a social
grade C2DE. The top regions are North East England and London. Their professions include Media and publishing, entertainment and travel and hospitality. Clothing brands include Asos, Topshop and H&M. People who like Mean Girls describe themselves as funny, understanding and open but occasionally stubborn , lazy and disinteresed. There hobbies include singing, going to the cinema and video games. Some of there interests are people and celebrities, beauty and grooming and lastly fashion design and cosmetics.

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